Hello, World!

Meet the Gingers

We are Alice and Joy and we found each other as students at our Alma Mater, Framingham State University. As involved Resident Assistant’s (RA’s), we each fell in love with the world of Higher Education and while we may work in different fields, the adventures and shenanigans of being a young Student Affairs professional keep us on our toes and forever connected.

When we aren’t working, we can be found sitting down to eat and drink while catching up on the latest gossip with work, family, significant (and not so signigicant) others, and what is going on with our latest attempts to “adult” in the 21st century. There is always something new to discuss and nothing is off limits.

It wasn’t long before we determined that we are not the only fabulously smart, dynamic, professional women who are navigating this next phase of adulthood.  We hope you enjoy reading about our realities as two friends who make it work* while having a blast!

– Alice and Joy

* If this does not instantly remind you of Tim Gunn from Project Runway then we need to chat…